FHA Offers its Version of Harp 2.0 – Streamline Refinances

Another bold attempt to rescue housing has come to the forefront. If you have an FHA loan that was originated prior to June 2009 you are eligible for the new Streamline refinance offered by FHA. The interest rates on these loans are absolutely incredible at the moment. There is no appraisal required and qualifying is EASY! You must have a job and well, that’s about it. Also, we can also close these loans in about 2-3 weeks. If you fit the bill give the Troll a call to start your application. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

If you have missed the Troll over the past couple of months don’t despair. The Troll is recovering the housing market one loan at a time which will benefit all of you.

The Troll


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