Snow Thoughts and Mercer Street
Snow is typically not the Trolls bag, but the recent storm did provide the Trolls with some great memories at Gasworks park. The little Trolls wore themselves ragged sledding which made bedtime an easier task. A tip of the cap to the brave souls willing to risk everything and entertaining all of us by launching themselves off the top of the Gasworks hill. Special recognition should go to the literal couch surfers that were riding a couch from the top until it finally gave way to fatigue. According to the Seattle Times, the cost of “Snowmageddon” was $1.35 million. The DOT is still totalling expenses however. Crews worked around the clock for almost a full week according to street maintenance director Steve Pratt. The city has budgeted $2.2 million for snow removal for all of 2012.
The Mercer Street project has reached its half way point. The city is spending $164 million to untangle the “Mercer Mess” with additional contributions from the federal government of $30 million and local landowners (Vulcan) $32 million that stand to benefit from the project. Progress is currently behind schedule due to rain and unforeseen obstacles in the soil according to project manager Angela Brady. Ironically, one of the obstacles was an old Model T engine found 7 feet under ground. Talk about gridlock!
The Troll